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Everyday Memory Concerns

People often experience memory lapses in their daily life, especially if they are stressed or very busy.

People often experience memory lapses in their daily life, especially if they are stressed or very busy. Memory lapses might include losing your keys or mobile phone, forgetting what you just read or saw, losing your train of thought during conversation, failing to pass on a phone message, forgetting the name of someone, going to a different room in the house and losing track of why you were there or forgetting to buy a vital ingredient for your dinner in the supermarket.

It is often difficult for people to distinguish between what represents normal, everyday memory lapses and what might indicate the start of something more worrying. Unfortunately, GP and other medical services generally offer only very brief, limited assessments of questionable sensitivity/specificity. Therefore, if you think you might be experiencing problems, more detailed and objective assessment of memory capacity is often warranted.

If you are concerned either about yourself or a loved one, please consider whether neuropsychological assessment might be right for you. A private neuropsychological assessment can often help to characterise any cognitive changes in detail and offer relevant recommendations.

Referrer Information

Professor Foster's diverse international experience includes neuropsychological assessments undertaken with an extensive range of patient groups in a wide range of contexts including general hospitals, clinical suites, secure hospital facilities and prisons.

Patient Information

Neuropsychological assessment involves paper and pencil type and/or computer-based tests, questionnaires and more practical tests. The tests used are standardised (i.e. they have previously been given to a wide sample of people to provide comparison) and well researched. Testing is not physically invasive.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our services or require further information before booking an appointment, please get in touch.

Quality Service Guarantee

We are very confident about the professionalism and international world-leading calibre of our services; we therefore charge our full fee only if our report is provided to you within 10 business days of settlement of our account.

Professional Affiliations


© 2019 by Dr Jonathan Foster

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