About Us
We offer a boutique Neuropsychological Assessment Service with unsurpassed international experience.
Our practice boasts over 25 years of experience in clinical neuropsychology obtained in premier facilities and locations throughout Australia, America and the United Kingdom.
Synapse Neuropsychology is directed by Professor Jonathan Foster who is a leading, internationally trained practitioner in Clinical Neuropsychology. He has been distinctively dedicated to serving the profession in both the public and private sectors and also via pro bono work and academic research - thereby advancing the discipline internationally.
Professor Foster's peer-reviewed, international track record indicates the quality of service you will receive.
Synapse Neuropsychology is based between Perth (Western Australia), Singapore and Greater London (UK); however, we operate globally and undertake assessments internationally; for example, a recent assessment was undertaken in coordination with the internationally renowned Mayo Clinic (USA). We provide an unparalleled level of expertise and service, upholding the highest standards of integrity and confidentiality.
Professor Foster's extensive professional and academic track record as a scientist-practitioner in clinical neuropsychology is detailed below. In addition to his work as a practising Clinical Neuropsychologist, Professor Foster has authored many books and scientific papers (several of which have been instrumental in advancing the field of clinical neuroscience).
Connect with Professor Foster via LinkedIn and NeuroTree.​​
Professor Jonathan Foster
FRMS DPhil (Oxon) First Class (Hons) DipNeuropsych CPsychol (UK) CSci (UK) AFBPsS MAPS FCCN Affiliate AACN (USA)
Professor Foster has been awarded University Chairs in Clinical Neuropsychology in both the United Kingdom and Australia. He has received competitive funding for his work from a variety of international sources (e.g. NHMRC, ARC - Australia; NIH - USA; MRC - Canada; Wellcome Trust, MRC, Royal Society - UK) and has received a range of personal awards and prizes across his career to date (e.g. Royal Society; Brain; British and Australian Psychological Societies; Wellcome Trust, Nuffield Foundation and other Research Councils).
Professor Foster was serially awarded full scholarships as a student. His initial tertiary education was in Medicine (matriculation 1982), subsequent to which he obtained a First Class Honours degree in Psychology (Major) with Mathematics, Computer Science and Philosophy and completed his doctorate in Neuropsychology (1986-89) at the University of Oxford where he was awarded a Senior Scholarship (having additionally been awarded full scholarships by the Universities of Cambridge and London).​

​Professor Foster subsequently received advanced training in clinical and experimental neuropsychology in the USA and Canada. He was a Clinical & Research Fellow at the Rotman Institute of Baycrest Centre/University of Toronto (1990-92), where he held a Royal Society/NATO International Fellowship in Neuropsychology. He additionally received advanced training in clinical neuropsychology via the Universities of Pittsburgh, Ottawa and Boston.
Professor Foster has been formally trained through the American College of Disability Medicine in the AMA Guides to Permanent Impairment and in the WA Work Cover Guides for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.
Professor Foster has taught and supervised students for over 30 years at prestigious, world-leading international institutions, including the universities of Oxford, Toronto, Manchester and Western Australia. He has also served on hospital ethics committees and consulted to clinical, industrial, commercial, media and legal organisations in North America, Europe and Australia across his career to date. In addition, Professor Foster presents regularly in the media on matters related to his expertise in clinical neuroscience.
What We Can Offer
Synapse Neuropsychology: 'providing individuals and organisations with an impartial, evidence-based clinical opinion focusing on the objective assessment of cognition and its impact on behaviour'.
Professor Foster has published and lectured widely across the globe, including the authoring of numerous international and translated publications that are directly related to his clinical practice. He has written or edited 6 books to date (with a 7th book directly related to his clinical practice currently in progress), published over 200 scientific articles (Google Scholar) and given over 250 oral presentations. He has published over 100 articles listed in the ISI Web of Science, with a current scientific H index (ISI) of over 30. Professor Foster has refereed applications and publications for scores of international academic and clinical journals and research funding organisations (including several international government agencies).
A recent book, focusing on how your memory works and entitled Memory: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press), has now been translated into eight languages:-
Reflecting his standing in his field, Professor Foster became a member of a group of internationally renowned and learned thinkers who have been invited to write books in this series (including A.C. Grayling, Peter Atkins, Chris and Uta Frith, Terry Eagleton, Germaine Greer, John Krebs, Alfred Ayer, Mary Beard, Bernard Crick, Les Iversen and Peter Singer) as well as in other popular international media (e.g. New Scientist).

Profesor Foster has written or edited 6 books to date (with a 7th book directly related to his clinical practice currently in progress), published over 200 scientific articles (Google Scholar) and given over 250 oral presentations. Professor Foster has refereed applications and publications for scores of international academic and clinical journals and research funding organisations (including several international government agencies).